Wednesday, 27 August 2014

How to fire trigger only on Selected Day in salesforce

To achieve that trigger only works on selected day means,

Formatting Date

  1. Date d = System.Today();
  2. // you need to format date to date/time in order to format.
  3. DateTime dt = DateTime.newInstance(d.year(), d.month(),;
  4. String todayDay = dt.format('EEEE');
  5. if(todayDay != 'Saturday' || todayDay !='Sunday')
  6. {
  7.     // Process your logic.
  8. }

Formatting Date/Time 

  1. DateTime dt =;
  2. String todayDay = dt.format('EEEE');
  3. if(todayDay != 'Saturday' || todayDay !='Sunday')
  4. {
  5.     // Process your logic.
  6. }

Monday, 25 August 2014

How to Pass Salesforce Advanced Developer Certification - DEV 501

Happy to inform you guys, I have successfully completed my " Certified Advanced Developer" exam(Multiple choice, Programming Assignment and Essay Exam). 

Initially, I failed multiple choice exam on my first attempt and here is my complete experience after gaining my Adv Dev Certification.

Which one is scripted deployment in salesforce?
a. IDE
b. Version Control
c. Migration Tool
d. Change set

Do you feel the above question is tough? :) This one I have received in my examination. So don’t fear about the exam. It’s too easy if you understand the core concepts about the salesforce. Please go through the below most important topic for your exam preparation.

Most Important Topics for Exam:

1. Triggers – The order of execution (3 to 4 questions from this)
2. Controllers – Differences among Standard Controllers, Custom Controllers, and Controller Extensions, StandardSetController.
3. Web service – Usage, Syntax, how to declare, limitation, test classes.
4. Dynamic Apex, Dynamic DML, Dynamic SOQL, and Dynamic SOSL – Know usage well for each one.
5. You must know Compile time and Run time Executions.
6. Exception handling, Batch class and Schedule class – Usage, Syntax, how to declare, limitation, test classes.
7. Test class – Syntax, Usage, Assertion methods, and usage of annotation such as @isTest, Test.startTest(), Test.stopTest(), testMethod(keyword), assertion, etc.
8. Visualforce page Order of Execution of a Visualforce page (2 to 3 questions).
9. Apex, Visualforce, SOQL & SOSL Best Practices.
10. Governor Limits such as DML Limits, SOQL Query Limits, etc.
11. You must know the usage AJAX component in Visualforce such as <apex:actionFunction>, <apex:actionSupport>, <apex:actionPoller>
12. How to use Visualforce Templates and know the components such as <apex:insert>, <apex:composition>, <apex:define>
13. Security - with sharing and without sharing keywords.
14. View State - How to reduce view state size?
15. Page life cycle, order of controller, action and getter/setter execution
16. Overriding buttons – Which controller need to implement for override button such as new, edit, list.
17. User mode, system mode and Wrapper classes usage.
18. Visualforce components usage and syntax.
19. SOQL Clauses like FOR UPDATE, ALL ROWS.
20. Inbound and Outbound Email Services – Usage, Syntax, Governor Limits, Test Class.
21. Need the usage of Migration Tool, IDE, Changeset and know to Advantages and disadvantages of each one.
22. Debug log- Know well about the Log Levels and Category (3 to 4 questions from this)
23. Sandbox – Usage, Limitation, you have to choose suitable editions.
24. Usage of <apex:pageMessages>, <apex:messages> , <apex:message> , <apex:pageMessage> components.
25. Know about the When to use Apex, Visualforce page.

Things you have to know about this exam:

1.  You don’t need to be expert in coding level but make sure you must know all the concepts very clear (Not in deep level, basic understanding and usage is enough).
2.  The reason I failed in my first attempt is I don’t know which topics are important and how to read the exam point of view. So be clear on the above topic which I mentioned.
3.  1-2 years of coding experience and concept level understanding is more than enough to clear your first level exam. 

Programming Assignment:

I received a programming assignment and the following things are major according to my requirement,

1. Pagination logic need to implement with preserving data.
     (a) I have used "StandardSetController" for pagination.
     (b) For preserving data, used database.clone() method.

2. Roll up trigger(Lookup relationship) on all opertions(insert, update, delete, undelete).
    (a) Used Aggregate Query to achieve roll up functionality

3. Test class
    (a) Bulk testing is important.
    (b) You need to cover all positive and negative scenario with assertion.

Implemented most of the best practices according to the requirement. You can perfectly finish the assignment, since you have 1 month of time. 

Essay Exam:

Essay exam will have a questions like below,

1. How did you achieved your logic?
2. What are the most complex part you have faced?
3. How did you tested?
4. How did you efficiently used SOQL?
5. What are the best practices you have followed?

Books and Video Reference:

Please take a look on the below books,
Please take a look on the below videos,
  • Dev 501 Certification Training Videos Click here, from this link watch videos that are labeled as DEV 501.
  • Watch Dev 501 Videos from your Partner Training account, if you don’t have an access ask your Administrator to grab the account.

All the best your examination...!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Salesforce Summer 14 Release Notes - Quick Hint

1.  Community dashboards help you track the success of your Communities. You can either create your own or install the Community Analytics package.
2.  Community Engagement Console New Feature.
3.  Overview we can select different dashboards.
4.  Dashboard selection will made to all communities in the organization.
5.  New Communities custom report membership, Network daily metric, activity daily metric,
Unique contributor daily metrics, tenant usage entitlement weekly metrics.
6.  Reputation level  Assigning level based contribution.
7.  Point’s level based on activity like post, comment.
8.  Enable reputation and allow access without login. i.e. no need to login chatter from community access like guest user.

Sales cloud
Pricebook entries
1.   Customize fields and create fields, validation rule, page layout in price book entries, opportunity split.
2.   Edit,view,delete options are added in products.
3.   Admin can add custom split type based on any opportunity currency field.
4.   Create lookup in opportunity split to product.
5.   You can add custom field type revenue  , overlay.
1.  New event will have publisher action and home chatter tab.
2.  Date and Date/Time avail in formula and validation rule
3.  New activity relationship object is introduced.
4.  Status and related to columns in task list

1. Side panel avail for all users
2. Users can create more records using the side panel publisher.
3. Account, contact, lead and opportunity.
4. Outlook publisher action assign them to specific profile.
5.  Refresh token policy avail to revoke access from outlook.
6.  New fields avail in opportunities, orders, order product and quote.

Service cloud:
1.   Case feed  feed and filter use full width feed
2.   Publisher option  automatically collapse publisher.
3.   Service app: new related list component added.
4.   New interaction log button to add call data. Clear log.

Live agent:
1.   Agent can upload file during call.
2.   Transfer queue to agent.
3.  View number of engaged chats before transfer.
4.  Knowledge can used to share article to users.

1.  Mass delete public reports that are not used to dashboard or analytical snapshot.
2.  Deleted reports can go to recycle bin.
3.   Enable historical trending for forecasting items when using collaborative forecast.
4. Historical Track historical change using lookup fields.

1. Standalone mobile app, salesforce 1 app
2. You can create publisher even if chatter not avail.
3.  Drill down to report and records from dashboards.
4.  See more list view upto 200.
5.  8 new manage user permission avail.
6.  Admin can set visibility of internal and external users.
7.  Sharing setting Manage user record sharing

Activities: Assign Tasks to a Queue Salesforce Lightning

Salesforce announced to assign Tasks to a Queue beginning from Spring'20 release. How does it work? In Setup, enter Queues in th...