Friday, 1 May 2020

Activities: Assign Tasks to a Queue Salesforce Lightning

Salesforce announced to assign Tasks to a Queue beginning from Spring'20 release.

How does it work?
In Setup, enter Queues in the Quick Find box and then select Queues. From the Queues setup page, select New. Then, create a queue and assign Task as the supported object.


Prepopulate or Clone field values using Custom Button or Custom Link in Lightning Salesforce

Salesforce announced to create custom buttons and links that pass default field values to a new record beginning from Spring'20 release.

To construct a custom button or link that launches a new record with prepopulated field values, use this sample formula:

  1. /lightning/o/Account/new?defaultFieldValues=
  2.     Name={!URLENCODE(Account.Name)},
  3.     OwnerId={!Account.OwnerId},
  4.     AccountNumber={!Account.AccountNumber},
  5.     NumberOfEmployees=35000,
  6.     CustomCheckbox__c={!IF(Account.SomeCheckbox__ctruefalse)}

The URLENCODE function works only when creating custom buttons and links. You can’t use it for custom fields.


Spring 20 Release Notes 1

Spring 20 Release Notes 2

Activities: Assign Tasks to a Queue Salesforce Lightning

Salesforce announced to assign Tasks to a Queue beginning from Spring'20 release. How does it work? In Setup, enter Queues in th...