Here is the utility method to calculate various business day calculation such as getting next business days, business hours, validating date is business day or not, total business days between two dates, etc.
Thanks to my dear friend Purushothaman Annamalai, who shared this code.
Blog: Salesforce Quest
- public class BusinessDays {
- private List<Boolean> businessDay = new Boolean[7];
- private List<Time> startHours = new Time [7];
- private List<Time> endHours = new Time [7];
- private Date knownSunday = date.newInstance(2013, 1, 6);
- private String businessHourId;
- private Boolean considerHolidays = false;
- // Constructor creates businessDay array
- public BusinessDays(String businessHourName, Boolean considerHolidays) {
- BusinessHours bh;
- this.considerHolidays = considerHolidays;
- if(businessHourName == null) {
- bh = [SELECT SundayStartTime, MondayStartTime, TuesdayStartTime,WednesdayStartTime, ThursdayStartTime, FridayStartTime,SaturdayStartTime, SundayEndTime, MondayEndTime,TuesdayEndTime,WednesdayEndTime, ThursdayEndTime, FridayEndTime,SaturdayEndTime
- FROM BusinessHours
- WHERE IsDefault = true ];
- }else {
- bh = [SELECT SundayStartTime, MondayStartTime, TuesdayStartTime,WednesdayStartTime, ThursdayStartTime, FridayStartTime,SaturdayStartTime, SundayEndTime, MondayEndTime,TuesdayEndTime,WednesdayEndTime, ThursdayEndTime, FridayEndTime,SaturdayEndTime
- FROM BusinessHours
- WHERE Name =: businessHourName ];
- }
- businessHourId = bh.Id;
- businessDay[0] = (bh.SundayStartTime != null);
- businessDay[1] = (bh.MondayStartTime != null);
- businessDay[2] = (bh.TuesdayStartTime != null);
- businessDay[3] = (bh.WednesdayStartTime != null);
- businessDay[4] = (bh.ThursdayStartTime != null);
- businessDay[5] = (bh.FridayStartTime != null);
- businessDay[6] = (bh.SaturdayStartTime != null);
- startHours[0] = bh.SundayStartTime;
- startHours[1] = bh.MondayStartTime;
- startHours[2] = bh.TuesdayStartTime;
- startHours[3] = bh.WednesdayStartTime;
- startHours[4] = bh.ThursdayStartTime;
- startHours[5] = bh.FridayStartTime;
- startHours[6] = bh.SaturdayStartTime;
- endHours[0] = bh.SundayEndTime;
- endHours[1] = bh.MondayEndTime;
- endHours[2] = bh.TuesdayEndTime;
- endHours[3] = bh.WednesdayEndTime;
- endHours[4] = bh.ThursdayEndTime;
- endHours[5] = bh.FridayEndTime;
- endHours[6] = bh.SaturdayEndTime;
- }
- // Check if today is a business day - Date
- public Boolean isBusinessDay(Date inputDate) {
- // index i is index into the businessDay array based on inputDate
- Integer i = Math.mod(Math.abs(this.knownSunday.daysBetween(inputDate)),7);
- Boolean isBusinessDay = businessDay[i];
- if(considerHolidays) {
- isBusinessDay = (isBusinessDay && BusinessHours.isWithin(businessHourId , datetime.newInstance(inputDate.year(), inputDate.month(),;
- }
- return (isBusinessDay);
- }
- // Check if today is a business day - DateTime
- public Boolean isBusinessDay(DateTime inputDateTime) {
- Date businessDate =;
- Time businessTime = inputDateTime.Time();
- // index i is index into the businessDay array based on inputDate
- Integer i = Math.mod(Math.abs(this.knownSunday.daysBetween(businessDate)),7);
- Boolean isBusinessDay = isBusinessDay(businessDate);
- Boolean isBusinessHour = false;
- if(isBusinessDay){
- isBusinessHour = ( businessTime > getStartTime(businessDate) && businessTime < getEndTime(businessDate) );
- }
- return (isBusinessHour);
- }
- // Get the start time
- public Time getStartTime(Date inputDate) {
- Integer i = Math.mod(Math.abs(this.knownSunday.daysBetween(inputDate)),7);
- return (startHours[i]);
- }
- // Get the End time
- public Time getEndTime(Date inputDate) {
- Integer i = Math.mod(Math.abs(this.knownSunday.daysBetween(inputDate)),7);
- return (endHours[i]);
- }
- // Gets next business day, skipping non business days
- public Date nextBusinessDay(Date inputDate) {
- Integer i = Math.mod(Math.abs(this.knownSunday.daysBetween(inputDate)),7);
- Date returnDate = inputDate;
- do {
- returnDate = returnDate.addDays(1);
- i++;
- } while (!businessDay[Math.mod(i, 7)]);
- if(considerHolidays) {
- if(!BusinessHours.isWithin(businessHourId , datetime.newInstance(returnDate.year(), returnDate.month(), ))) {
- returnDate = nextBusinessDay(returnDate);
- }
- }
- return returnDate;
- }
- // returns back date in numberOfDays business days
- public Date addBusinessDays (Date startDate, integer numberOfDays) {
- Date returnDate = startDate;
- Integer holidayCount = 0;
- for (integer x = 0; x < numberOfDays; x++) {
- returnDate = nextBusinessDay(returnDate);
- if(considerHolidays){
- if(!BusinessHours.isWithin(businessHourId , datetime.newInstance( returnDate.year(), returnDate.month(), ))){
- holidayCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(holidayCount > 0) {
- returnDate.addDays(holidayCount);
- }
- return returnDate;
- }
- //get the total business days between two dates
- public Integer getTotalBusinessDays(Date inputDateStart, Date inputDateEnd) {
- Integer totalDays = 0;
- Date returnDate = inputDateStart;
- do {
- returnDate = returnDate.addDays(1);
- if(isBusinessDay(returnDate)) {
- totalDays++;
- if(considerHolidays){
- if(!BusinessHours.isWithin(businessHourId , datetime.newInstance( returnDate.year(), returnDate.month(), {
- totalDays--;
- }
- }
- }
- } while (returnDate != inputDateEnd);
- return totalDays;
- }
- }
Thanks to my dear friend Purushothaman Annamalai, who shared this code.
Blog: Salesforce Quest