Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Configure Outlook.com (Hotmail), Gmail, Yahoo or AOL

Do you have a mail account at Outlook.com (Hotmail), Gmail, Yahoo! or AOL? This guide contains the settings and instructions how to configure Outlook with those email providers.

Account setting dialogs

Most of the information can be set in the main “Add New E-mail Account” dialog but for either account you’ll also need to modify more advanced settings by pressing the “More Settings…” button.
The settings below are sorted by the dialogs that you need to access. If you are having problems finding out where to put in which information, look at the numbers in front of the settings and you can find them back in the screenshots section at the bottom of this document.

Outlook.com (Hotmail)

When using Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010, Outlook.com (Hotmail) offers access via special Outlook Hotmail Connector software, which provides a two-way sync for mail, calendar and contacts.
When you se Outlook 2013, you can connect to your Outlook.com (Hotmail) account via Exchange Active Sync (EAS) to sync your mail, calendar, contacts and tasks.
In addition to the above, Outlook.com also offers access via IMAP and POP3 for paid accounts and free accounts in most countries.

Outlook.com (Hotmail): Outlook Connector

These instructions are only for Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010. If you are using Outlook 2013, use the settings from the Exchange ActiveSync section.
Download and install the Outlook Connector from the location below;
Download: Outlook Hotmail Connector 32-bit 
Download: Outlook Hotmail Connector 64-bit 
Note: You will only need to install the 64-bit version when you are using the 64-bit version of Outlook 2010.
Start Outlook. If you are not automatically prompted to add a new account choose;
  • Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007
    Tools-> Account Settings…Outlook Connector-> Add a New Account…
  • Outlook 2010
    File-> Info-> Add Account-> Manually configure server settings or additional server types-> Other-> Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector
In the dialog (screenshot) that pops-up you’ll have to provide your:
1Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail address:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
3Password:Your Microsoft Account password
Advanced (optional)
4Account nameThe display name for your account. This name is used in your folder list, in your account settings and when selecting your sending account when composing a message.
5Reply E-mailYou can specify an alternative address here to which replies will be sent when people reply to your messages.

Outlook.com (Hotmail): Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)

Add New E-mail Account dialog
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
3Mail server:m.hotmail.com
4User Name:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
5Password:Your Microsoft Account password

Outlook.com (Hotmail): IMAP

Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
3Account Type:IMAP
4Incoming mail server:imap-mail.outlook.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp-mail.outlook.com
6User Name:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
7Password:Your Microsoft Account password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (IMAP):993
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
14Outgoing server (SMTP):587 (if using SSL: 465)
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:TLS (if not available: SSL)

Outlook.com (Hotmail): POP3

Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
3Account Type:POP3
4Incoming mail server:pop3.live.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.live.com
6User Name:Your main address of the Microsoft Account in full
(yourname@hotmail.com, yourname@live.com or yourname@outlook.com)
7Password:Your Microsoft Account password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure
Password Authentication (SPA)
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (POP3):995
13This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL):enabled
14Outgoing server (SMTP):587 (for some it will be port 25 or 995)
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:TLS (if not available: SSL)
16Leave a copy of messages on the serveroptional


GMail offers access via IMAP and POP3 but you must first enable this. To do this, logon to your Gmail account and press Settings at the top of your screen. In the new page that load click “Forwarding and POP/IMAP”.

Gmail: IMAP

Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:your Gmail address in full (yourname@gmail.com or yourname@yourdomain.com when using Gmail Apps)
3Account Type:IMAP
4Incoming mail server:imap.gmail.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.gmail.com
6User Name:your Gmail address in full (yourname@gmail.com or yourname@yourdomain.com when using Gmail Apps)
7Password:Your Gmail password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (IMAP):993
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
14Outgoing server (SMTP):465 (SSL) or 587 (TLS)
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL or TLS
Don’t set Outlook to save the sent items in the Sent Items folder of the IMAP account or you’ll end up with duplicates. When you send via the SMTP server of Gmail, then your Sent Items are automatically placed there. If you are restricted to using another SMTP server (from your ISP for example), then you would still need to configure your account to save to the Sent Items folder.
Additionally, don’t subscribe to the All Mail folder as this will double your pst- or ost-file from your Gmail account in size. For more information and workarounds see: Gmail accounts and disproportionally large pst-files.

Gmail: POP3

Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:your Gmail address in full (yourname@gmail.com or yourname@yourdomain.com when using Google Apps)
3Account Type:POP3
4Incoming mail server:pop.gmail.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.gmail.com
6User Name:your Gmail address in full (yourname@gmail.com or yourname@yourdomain.com when using Google Apps)
7Password:Your Gmail password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (POP3):995
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
14Outgoing server (SMTP):465 (SSL) or 587 (TLS)
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL or TLS
16Leave a copy of messages on the serverdisabled (Gmail holds a copy already by default)


Yahoo! offers POP3 access but only if you have a paid subscription to Yahoo! Mail Plus.

Yahoo!: IMAP

Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:your Yahoo! address in full (yourname@yahoo.com)
3Account Type:IMAP
4Incoming mail server:imap.mail.yahoo.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.mail.yahoo.com
6User Name:your Yahoo! address in full (yourname@yahoo.com)
7Password:Your Yahoo! password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (IMAP):993
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
14Outgoing server (SMTP):587 or 25 (if using SSL: 465)
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:TLS (if not available: SSL)

Yahoo!: POP3

Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:your Yahoo! address in full (yourname@yahoo.com)
3Account Type:POP3
4Incoming mail server:pop.mail.yahoo.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.mail.yahoo.com
6User Name:your Yahoo! address in full (yourname@yahoo.com)
7Password:Your Yahoo! password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (POP3):995
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:SSL
14Outgoing server (SMTP):587 or 25 (if using SSL: 465)
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:TLS (if not available: SSL)
16Leave a copy of messages on the serveroptional


AOL offers both POP3 and IMAP access. It makes a difference whether you have an AOL address or an AIM address.


Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:your AOL or AIM address in full
(yourname@aol.com or yourname@aim.com)
3Account Type:IMAP
4Incoming mail server:imap.aol.com or imap.aim.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.aol.com or smtp.aim.com
6User Name:your AOL or AIM screen name
(so without @aol.com or @aim.com behind it)
7Password:Your AOL or AIM password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (IMAP):143
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:none
14Outgoing server (SMTP):587
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:none


Add New E-mail Account dialog (screenshot)
1Your Name:The display name you’d like others to see.
2E-mail Address:your AOL or AIM address in full
(yourname@aol.com or yourname@aim.com)
3Account Type:POP3
4Incoming mail server:pop.aol.com or pop.aim.com
5Outgoing mail server:smtp.aol.com or smtp.aim.com
6User Name:your AOL or AIM screen name
(so without @aol.com or @aim.com behind it)
7Password:Your AOL or AIM password
8Remember passwordoptional
9Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)disabled
More Settings: Outgoing Server tab (screenshot)
10My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication:enabled
11Use same settings as my incoming mail server:enabled
More Settings: Advanced tab (screenshot)
12Incoming server (POP3):110
13Use the following type of encrypted connection:none
14Outgoing server (SMTP):587
15Use the following type of encrypted connection:none
16Leave a copy of messages on the serveroptional


Below you’ll find screenshots of the account configuration screens. The numbers in the screenshots correspond with the numbers in the tables with the settings above.
Main settings screen
After setting the main account settings, press the More Settings… button
Configure Authentication
Configure Authentication
Advanced IMAP settings
Advanced IMAP settings
Advanced POP3 settings
Advanced POP3 settings
Settings Outlook Connector
Single screen configuration for the Outlook Connector
Thanks to http://www.howto-outlook.com for this post.

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